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Review: The Grip of God by Rebecca Hazell

The story takes place in the time of the Kievan Rus and tells us about a young girl Sofia, aged 12, almost a child for today’s beliefs and a young woman for the times described in the book. She basks in her father’s love, growing a spoiled girl used to having servants fulfilling all her needs. However, one day her life changes drastically. The one being served becomes the one who serves. The girl from a noble family of the Kievan Rus is captured by the Mongols, which causes her physical as well as emotional damage – she is constantly raped by her master Armagon. When you try to imagine yourself in such a situation and think how it would influence your soul, your character, you would probably think that such a cross is hard to bear and it can harden one’s heart. Sofia, on the opposite, feels compassion for the people around her, unfortunate enough to stand in the Mongols’ way and lose their heads. The author provided most detailed descriptions which allow us to feel the stench of the Mongols, to see their murders in all the details. The book is action-packed, and I read it in two days. My only struggle was the beginning, because it took some time to get to the part where other characters entered the stage, and dialogues began. But it was really worth waiting for! I’d like to thank the author for providing me with a free copy for review, and I look forward to reading the second book of the series!

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