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Review: Secrets of the White Lake by Daniel Chong

I'd expected to read this book for 2 weeks, but as if often happens with books, couldn't put it down and finished just in a few days. The first thing that I want to say is the writing is incredibly beautiful and heart-warming in this book. It's a book about nature and adventure, and it requires detailed descriptions of the scenery - and I enjoyed them very much! The author's writing is quite poetic, and besides, the ideas about family and love are woven through the story, adding a serious meaning to an action-packed sci-fi book. It makes the book stand out among your usual young adult and fantasy novels. Another thing that was especially interesting for me was the spirituality in it. It's the kind of religion-oriented fantasy books that even people who aren't into it wouldn't mind reading. It revolves around children raised by an Indian Shaman, and they add a lot of freshness and humor to the otherwise serious mystery book. They set out on a dangerous journey across a post-apocalyptic world, that will result in much more than just returning home. As they travel, they discover new truths about their world and its future. Honestly, I never thought it was possible to combine two genres, religion and thriller, so successfully. I'd recommend this book both for young and adult readers. If you like to look deeper; like when a book makes you think, really think about the questions that our life depends on, this is a book for you. And though there were a lot of thrilling scenes that held me on the edge of the seat, Miya's humor lightened the mood all the time and had me smiling) The book starts a little slowly, but I'm a fan of those because I like to get used to the characters and begin caring for them before something serious happens. So don't be misled by it and soon you won't be able to put it down :)

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