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Review: Whiskey Sour by J.A. Konrath

Have been following the author for some time, taking inspiration from his blog as a new author, and now I finally got to read his books. Wasn't disappointed a bit, even though I'm not a fan of the genre and don't like gore (take it too deeply and end up feeling a bit depressed). However, the witty style and sarcastic dialogues helped to balance the dark parts seen from the killer's POV. I ended up even a little big attached to the killer, and this proves how well developed the characters were in this fast-paced thriller. The writing style amazed me, it was so easy and yet filled with all the important details that painted a vivid picture in my head. The flow here is incredibly well done, making it hard to put the book down. I really, really didn't have time for reading, and still I finished the book in 2 days. I easily got used to the new characters (which I usually avoid because I'm so conservative, I wish there was just one infinite series that I could read for decades). I especially liked how human and simple Jack was. The only thing I really disagreed with was the fact that she was going on dates while being followed by a maniac. Even in her desperate situation, I can't believe a cop with experience would put someone's life at risk like that. Herb was my second favorite, and I look forward to reading more about both of them.

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