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Review: Fantasy of Frost by Kelly St. Claire

I absolutely loved this book! It took me some time to fall in love with the characters and the story, but when I did, I had trouble putting it down so I could catch some sleep. The world building is beautifully done, fresh and interesting. I usually don't like the process of immersing into a new book because it's always a new world, and some of them are quite annoying with all the names and concepts. This one I liked, I got to learn more about it as I read, and I got used to the characters' vocabulary. It was fun reading about the differences of the two worlds, and especially, to see the foreign world with the eyes of the character (damn, I can't describe it all without spoilers)) I laughed a lot at Olina's behavior as the book picked up, throwing her into different situations. I also had to keep back the tears for her (here, I said it). It's a beautiful, beautiful, beautiful story (filled with hot men, ladies). I'm sorry for jumping from thought to thought, I'm just so full of mixed feelings after I just finished reading. And isn't it what you expect from a book? I think I might be in love with Jovan. Okay, back to the book. I'm not gonna give a synopsis here, never understood why people re-tell a book instead of sharing their feelings about it. I'll just say that I've always liked drama packed with adventure, broken characters who fight for their ideas even if they seem like the weakest part of the community, and character's transformation, realistic and dark and brutal. Because it's how growth is achieved in real life, it's a struggle, and I don't always find it to be good enough in books. I was surprised with this one, because it shook me quite well. And, unlike many superheroes, the heroine here actually has a reason for her unusual skills in fight. Oh, how I love when an abused character turns it to their advantage in the end! I'm also tired of abusive men in books, this idea of a commanding alpha-male is so overused, I found it refreshing to read about a more realistic one here. For a change, this one doesn't go drooling over a sight of a female, like in many other books; if he's a barbarian, he acts like it; and if he shows his human side, it doesn't spill all over the scene. He's withdrawn and careful, and this is what keeps you interested. And WOW for a change he doesn't f*** everything that moves. (Like it's the only way to draw female readers to male characters, seriously, authors) Wow, I think I managed to share almost everything I wanted without mentioning the characters and spoiling any surprise. Because this book holds tons of them! This is the biggest reason why I loved it, it just kept getting better and better. And it seems like the second one is gonna give us some really good action, so I can't wait to read it! I highly recommend this great read to every fantasy lover!

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